Károly Takács

Károly Takács
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK Recens)
Research Interests

social networks, negative ties, gossip, reputation, status competition, cooperation, collective action, intergroup conflict, evolution of altruism, opinion dynamics, discrimination, agent-based simulation, experiments

Selected Publications
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS in peer-reviewed international journals
• Takács, K. 2018. Discounting of Evolutionary Explanations in Sociology Textbooks and Curricula. Frontiers in Sociology, 3: 24. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2018.00024.
• Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2018. Social Closure and the Evolution of Cooperation via Indirect Reciprocity. Scientific Reports, 8(1):11149. https://rdcu.be/3qSv doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29290-0.
• Kisfalusi, D., Janky, B., and Takács, K. 2018. Double Standards or Social Identity? The Role of Gender and Ethnicity in Ability Perceptions in the Classroom. Journal of Early Adolescence, https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431618791278.
• Takács, K., Bravo, G., and Squazzoni, F. 2018. Referrals and Information Flow in Networks Increase Discrimination: A Laboratory Experiment. Social Networks, 54: 254-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2018.03.005
• Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2017. The Miracle of Peer Review and Development in Science: An Agent-Based Model. Scientometrics. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-017-2244-y.
• Takács, K., Flache, A., and Mäs, M. 2016. Discrepancy and Disliking Do Not Induce Negative Opinion Shifts. PLOS One, 11(6): e0157948. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157948.
• Grow, A., Takács, K., and Pál, J. 2016. Status Characteristics and Ability Attributions in Hungarian School Classes: An Exponential Random Graph Approach. Social Psychology Quarterly, 79(2): 156-167. DOI: 10.1177/0190272516643052.
• Pál, J., Stadtfeld, C., Grow, A., and Takács, K. 2016. Status Perceptions Matter: Understanding Disliking among Adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26(4), 805-818. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12231
• Takács, K. and Squazzoni, F. 2015. High Standards Enhance Inequality in Idealized Labor Markets. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18(4), 2, http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/18/4/2.html. DOI: 10.185642940
• Bravo, G., Squazzoni, F., and Takács, K. 2015. Intermediaries in Trust: Indirect Reciprocity, Incentives, and Norms. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID 234528, doi:10.1155/2015/234528.
• Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2014. Emotional Strategies as Catalysts for Cooperation in Signed Networks. Advances in Complex Systems, 17(2), http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0219525914500118.
• Squazzoni, F., Bravo, G., and Takács, K. 2013. Does Incentive Provision Increase the Quality of Peer Review? An Experimental Study. Research Policy, 42(1): 287-294.
• Mäs, M., Flache, A., Takács, K., and Jehn, K. A. 2013. In the Short Term We Divide, in the Long Term We Unite: Demographic Crisscrossing and the Effects of Faultlines on Subgroup Polarization. Organization Science, 24: 716-736. http://dx.doi.org/10.1287/orsc.1120.0767
• Squazzoni, F. and Takács K. 2011. Social Simulation that Peers into Peer Review. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 14(4):3, http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/14/4/3.html.
• Németh A. and Takács K. 2010. The Paradox of Cooperation Benefits. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264: 301-311.
• Janky B. and Takács K. 2010. Efficient and Inefficient Social Control in Collective Action. CEU Political Science Journal, 5(3): 316-354.
• Takács K.; Janky B., and Flache, A. 2008. Collective Action and Network Change. Social Networks, 30(3): 177-189.
• Kratzer, J. and Takács, K. 2007. Staying or Leaving: The Social Structure of R&D Team Member's Expectations of Staying in House. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, (4): 87-102.
• Németh A. and Takács K. 2007. The Evolution of Altruism in Spatially Structured Populations. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 10(3): 4. <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/10/3/4.html>
• Takács K. and Janky B. 2007. Smiling Contributions: Social Control in a Public Goods Game with Network Decline. Physica A, 378 (1): 76-82.
• Kratzer, J. and Takács, K. 2007. Expectations of Staying in House: The Effect of Social Networks. Review of Sociology, 13(1): 31-48.
• Takács, K. 2006. Effects of Network Segregation in Intergroup Conflict: An Experimental Analysis. Connections, 27(2): 49-72.
• Takács, K. 2005. An Experimental Analysis of Network Segregation and Intergroup Conflict. Review of Sociology, 11(1): 5-34.
• Takács, K. 2003. Modeling Intergroup Conflict as Strategic Interactions. Review of Sociology, 9 (2): 113-137.
• Takács K. 2001. Structural Embeddedness and Intergroup Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution 45 (6): 743-769.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS in peer-reviewed journals in Hungarian
• Galántai J., Pápay B., Kubik B., Szabó M.K. és Takács K. 2018. A pletyka a társas rend szolgálatában. Az informális kommunikáció struktúrájának mélyebb megértéséért a Computational Social Science eszközeivel. (Gossip in Service for Social Order: Using the Tools of Computational Social Science for a Deeper Understanding of the Structure of Informal Communication) Magyar Tudomány, 2018/07, DOI: 10.1556/2065.179.2018.7.5.
• Kisfalusi D. és Takács K. 2018. A pletyka és a reputáció összefüggései középiskolai osztályközösségekben (Associations of Gossip and Reputation in Classrooms in Secondary School). Szociológiai Szemle, 28(1): 83-104.
• Takács K. 2010. Hálózati kísérletek (Network Experiments). Közgazdasági Szemle, 57 (November), 958-979.
• Kovács B. és Takács K. 2003. Szimuláció a társadalomtudományokban (Simulation in the Social Sciences). Szociológiai Szemle, 13(3): 27-49.
• Letenyei L. és Takács K. 2003. Önpusztító jóslat. Elméleti magyarázat egy népszerű kérdésre: miért veszítheti el a közvéleménykutatások szerint népszerűbb párt a demokratikus választásokat? (Self-Distructive Prediction. Theoretical Explanation for a Popular Question: How Can Underdog Voting Prevail at Democratic Elections?) Századvég, Új folyam, 27: 83-99.
• Takács K. 1998. Az elit szociológiai fogalmáról (The Sociological Concept of ‘Elite’). Szociológiai Szemle, 139-148.
• Takács K. 2002. Social Networks and Intergroup Conflict. ICS Dissertation Series, Groningen.
 Righi S. and Takács K. 2017. Blind vs. Embedded Indirect Reciprocity and the Evolution of Cooperation. In: Zoltay Paprika, Z.; Horák, P.; Váradi, K.; Zwierczyk, P. T.; Vidovics-Dancs, Á., and Rádics, J. P. (eds.): Proceedings of European Conference on Modelling and Simulation 2017, 60-66 (ISBN: 978-0-9932440-4-9).
• Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2017. Parallel versus Sequential Update and the Evolution of Cooperation with the Assistance of Emotional Strategies. In: Cordier, S., Ertur, C., Debarsy, N., Lucas, D., Nemo, F., Poisson, G., and Vrain, C. (eds.): Understanding Interactions in Complex Systems: Toward a Science of Interaction, Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 65-86.
• Takács, K., Squazzoni, F., Bravo, G., and Castellani, M. 2014. Employer Networks, Priming, and Discrimination in Hiring: An Experiment. In: Manzo, G. (ed.): Analytical Sociology: Norms, Actions, and Networks. Wiley & Son, 373-396.
• Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2014. Triadic Balance and Closure as Drivers of the Evolution of Cooperation, In: Proceedings of the Social Simulation Conference (SSC) Bellaterra, Cerdanyola Del Vallès, 121-124. http://ddd.uab.cat/record/125597
 Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2014. Degree Variance and Emotional Strategies Catalyze Cooperation in Dynamic Signed Networks. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Modeling and Simulation 2014 (ECMS).
 Righi, S. and Takács, K. 2014. Signed Networks, Triadic Interactions and the Evolution of Cooperation. In: A. Graudenzi, G. Caravagna, G. Mauri, M. Antoniotti (Eds.), Proceedings of the Wivace 2013 Italian Workshop of Artificial Life and Evolutive Computing. EPTCS 130 (2013), pp. 104-107, doi: 10.4204/EPTCS.130.17.
• Takács K. 2013. A teljesítmény, a népszerűség és az agresszió kapcsolati gyökerei (The Network Roots of Academic Performance, Popularity, and Aggression). In: Néray B. és Vörös A. (szerk.): Behálózott iskolák. Iskolai hálózatkutatás egy kelet-magyarországi kisvárosban. Széchenyi Füzetek XXI. L’Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 7-12.
• Takács, K. 2013. Intergroup Conflict, Models of. In: The Encyclopedia of the Mind. Sage, 435-437.
• Szántó Z. and Takács K. 2012. Analitikus szociológia és hálózatelemzés (Analytical Sociology and Network Analysis). In: Kmetty Z. and Koltai J. (eds.): Változó képletek, változatos perspektívák. Tanulmányok Tardos Róbert 65. születésnapjára (Changing Equations, Various Perspectives). Háttér Kiadó, Budapest, 26-54.
• Pál, J., Csaba, Z. L., and Takács, K. 2011. Determinants and Dynamics of Negative Relations in Adolescents’ School Networks. In: Lazega, E., Bruna, M. G., et Eloire, F. (eds.): Recherches récentes sur les réseaux sociaux et organisationnels. Cahier de l’ORIO. Université Daphine, Paris. 11-27.
• Takács, K., Squazzoni, F., and Gandelli, C. 2011. The Aspiration and Assertiveness Traps of Employment. In: Pre-Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the European Social Simulation Association. Agropolis International, Cirad, Montpellier.
• Takács K. 2007. Modellalkotás és szimuláció a társadalomtudományokban. (Model Building and Simulation in the Social Sciences) In: Heller-díjas konferenciakiadvány. (Heller Prize Conference Book) Rajk László Szakkollégium, Budapest: 23-31.
• Janky B. and Takács K. 2007. Social Control, Social Networks and Public Good Provision. In: Koczinszky, Gy. (ed.).: Miskolci Egyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar - VI. Nemzetközi Konferencia. (Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of The Faculty of Economics at Miskolc University) vol. 1: 139-148.
• Takács, K. 2006. Tit for Tat in Trenches. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Social Simulation, Kyoto, Japan, vol. 1: 183-190.
• Macy, M. W.; Flache, A., and Takács, K. 2006. What Sustains Stable Cultural Diversity and What Undermines It? Axelrod and beyond. Proceedings of the First World Congress on Social Simulation, Kyoto, Japan, vol. 2: 9-16. 
• Letenyei L. and Takács K. 2006. Az előzetes esélyek önerősítő vagy öncáfoló szerepe. Elemzés kísérletek és közvélemény-kutatási adatok segítségével (Bandwagon and Underdog Voting: Analysis Based on Experiments and Survey Data). In: Angelusz R. és Tardos R. (eds.): Mérésről mérésre. A választáskutatás módszertani kérdései (From Measurement to Measurement. Methodological Questions of Election Studies). Demokrácia Kutatások Magyar Központja, Budapest.
• Janky, B. and Takács, K. 2005. Social Control, Network Structure, and Participation in Collective Action. In: Társadalmi térben. (In Social Space.) BMGE, Budapest, 157-188.
• Janky B. and Takács K. 1997. A magányos elit (The Lonely Elite). In: Janky B. és Vedres B. (szerk.): A magyar gazdasági elit a kilencvenes évek elején (The Hungarian Economic Elite in the Early 90ies). Szociológiai műhelytanulmányok, BKE, Budapest, 38-50.
• Takács, K. 2015. Social Dynamics by Skyrms, Brian. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18(1), <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/18/1/reviews/5.html>
• Takács K. 2013. Positive Linking: How Networks Can Revolutionise the World by Ormerod, Paul. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 16(2), <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/16/2/reviews/5.html>
• Takács K. 2009. Social and Economic Networks by Jackson, Matthew O. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 12(2),  <http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/12/2/reviews/tak_aacute_cs.html>
Research Projects
2015 – 2020: European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant “No Sword Bites So Fiercly as an Evil Tongue? Gossip Wrecks Reputation, but Enhances Cooperation”, Proposal acronym EVILTONGUE, Grant number 648693, Principal Investigator
2015 A CERGE-EI GDN RRC Grant (Co-PI with Tamás Keller), 05_RRC16_GDN, “Effects of Peer-based Information Campaigns on the Transition to Secondary Education Decision”
2014 – 2018: “Gossip, Reputation, and Cooperation: Informal Building Blocks of Social Order”, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), K 112929. Principal Investigator
2010 – 2011: “Discrimination Norms Enforced and Disrupted by Social Networks: A Research Program Using Simulation and Experiments”, Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship, GA-2009-236953. Supported by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, University of Brescia, Department of Social Sciences (Italy)
2010 - 2013: “Wired Into Each Other”, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), K81336. Co-PI with Tamás Bartus.
2009 – 2012: “The Evolution, Maintenance and Endogenous Breakdown of Discriminative Practices”. OTKA PD 76234. Principal Investigator
2008: “Application of the Results of Behavioral Economics to the Analysis of Consumer Behavior”, Hungarian Competition Authority, VKK/2/2008, AL/0359. PI: Károly Takács.
2005 - 2008 “Social Failures - Social Solutions: The Evaluation and Maintenance of Norms of Cooperation and Coordination, and the Handling of Conflicts Deriving from the Contraventions of Norms”, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), T/17, 049432. Principal Investigator.
2004 – 2007: “Social Control, Collective Action, and Stability of Social Networks”, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA), T/16, 046381. Co-PI with Zoltán Szántó.