Érdi Péter (Kalamazoo College) előadása: Ranking: The reality, illusion and manipulation of objectivity

   2017. szeptember 21.

Mindenkit szeretettel várunk az MTA TK Szociológia Intézet és a "Lendület" RECENS Kutatócsoport közös jour fixe eseményére 2017. szeptember 21-én (csütörtökön), melyen Érdi Péter (Kalamazoo College) tart előadást "Ranking: The reality, illusion and manipulation of objectivitycímmel.  (az előadás nyelve angol)

Az előadás megrendezésére az MTA TK Szociológia Intézet tárgyalótermében (MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4., B. épület, 1. emelet, 15. szoba) kerül sor 13:00-ás kezdettel.


Since we humans (1) love lists; (2), are competitive and (3), are jealous of other people, we like ranking. The practice of ranking is studied in social psychology and political science, the algorithms of ranking in computer science. Are these algorithms reflect real objectivity or its illusion only? “Reputation management” admittedly attempts to modify the ideally objective image. As an illustration, recursive ranking – from web pages to patents – is analyzed with the hope of being able to trace new fields of technology. We all know in this room that the challenging question for the future is how to combine human and machine intelligence... 


Dr. Péter Érdi serves as the Henry R. Luce Professor of Complex Systems Studies at Kalamazoo College. He is also a research professor in his home town, in Budapest, at the Wigner Research Centre of Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In addition, he is the founding co-director of the Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science, a study abroad program. Péter is a Member of the Board of Governors of the International Neural Network Society, the Vice President of Membership of the International Neural Network Society, member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Curriculum Subcommittee, and among others as the Editor-in-Chief of Cognitive Systems Research. His books on mathematical modeling of chemical, biological, and other complex systems have been published by Princeton University Press, MIT Press, Springer Publishing house.
