Lőrincz László előadása

   2015. március 24.

Lőrincz László előadása március 24-én, 15 órától a PTI tárgyalójában,

Cím: MTA TK, 1014 Bp. Országház u. 30. PTI, I. em.

Romantikus hálózatok. Etnikai preferenciák középiskolások párkapcsolataiban


Inter-ethnic dating preferences in secondary school

Romantic relationships in adolescence are sources of social influence considering educational achievement and delinquent behavior. Integrated schooling is known to induce inter-ethnic friendship relations, however, it also creates the opportunity of inter-ethnic dating. Based on contact theory, inter-ethnic personal relationships or long-term exposure decreases ethnic prejudice, thus it is proposed that willingness to date between ethnic groups may increase. The question arises, whether in the school context exposure is enough for this mechanism to work, or personal contact is necessary. It must be also taken into account, that romantic relationships are embedded in status relations within schools. Previous studies on intermarriage and homogamy found a “social exchange” mechanism, that lower status members of majority groups are more likely to choose minority partners. Translated to the adolescent society, it is assumed, that the less popular members of the majority groups are those, who are more willing to form inter-ethnic relations. To address the above questions empirically, the first wave of the Hungarian network panel "Wired into Each Other” was used, containing data of 1214 9th grade students in 43 classes of seven secondary schools. Inter-ethnic dating preferences of Roma and non-Roma students were measured by dyadic attribution of physical attractiveness (liking), and nominations of willingness to date between class members. Statistical analysis was carried out using multilevel p2 models.